
Ocean Agency specializes in providing a premium advertising format on Facebook.

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Facebook Account

Facebook is gradually changing and it is more difficult and affects each business's Advertising. We have many years of advertising experience and have many ways to overcome all difficulties when customers advertise.

All Product

Allow all White hat, light Grey hat products.


Unlimited spending right after initialization.


Campaign security, quick top up.

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We will refund amount left when you want stop work with our ads account.


Free fanpage appeal, have business contract.



Our Work Process

My services include all thing for run ads : VPS or adspower (clean proxy), strong profile to keep ads account, strong ads account for run ads, Credit card avail in ads acc, we provide page too if you need. you just need care about performance of your ads

Test your ads

I will test your ads in my ads acc to make sure your ads work in my ads acc or not.

Prepare Ads Account

If your ads work in my ads acc. I will prepare ads acc and show you to check my ads acc.


If you don't have problem with my ads acc and want start. You send money to start.


My services include

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The Most Useful Resource Created For Designers

Objectively deliver professional value with diverse web-readiness. Collaboratively transition wireless customer service without goal-oriented catalysts for change. Collaboratively.

  • Data driven quality review
  • Secure work environment
  • 24x7 coverage
  • Lifetime updates
  • Management team
  • Tech support
  • Integration ready
  • Tons of assets
  • Compliance driven process
  • Workforce management

What Our Client Say About Apdash

Collaboratively actualize excellent schemas without effective models. Synergistically engineer functionalized applications rather than backend e-commerce.

Frequently Asked Queries

Efficiently productivate reliable paradigms before ubiquitous models. Continually utilize frictionless expertise whereas tactical relationships. Still have questions? Contact us


Yes, your account can be used for Black Hat and Grey Hat campaigns.

We provide all account types: Personal accounts with spending history, BM accounts and agency accounts.

When the account is locked, our staff will provide you with a new account completely free of charge.

The balance in the old account will be transferred to the new account. This applies to both profile accounts and page accounts.

Our account has spending limits of $1500, 250 and nolimit daily.

We set up everything and ad accounts in VPS, RDP or Adspower.

You will be granted access to these software to control and use our account.

We use USDT ,BTC, Payoneer for payment.

You send us money after checking our account. Then our staff will activate the account for you to use.

When your deposit has almost been spent, our staff will notify you to deposit more so that your campaign will not be interrupted.

When you want to stop cooperation. Your support staff will stop the campaign and aggregate your spending, calculate the balance and confirm the balance with you.

If there are no problems, the request will be forwarded to the accounting department for completion. This process will take 1-2 days.

We charge a service fee. This fee is 8-12% for White hat campaigns and 10-12% for Black hat campaigns.

This fee may change if you spend well and stably.

$100 is the minimum spent on our account.

You can test campaigns with a smaller budget, but you need to make sure to scale them after testing.

Contact us

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